Friday, September 30, 2011

The Power of One

96,783. This is not the number of calories in a box of Lucky Charms, miles on my truck or the number of times I have logged into Facebook. 96,783. This number represents exactly how many “Kurt’s” there are in the United States.

In my day-to-day life I will admit at times I simply want the day to end, not always looking towards the future and the impact I could be making. However one evening the number 96,783 appeared and the question arose, how was I going to make an impact and not just be part of the five-digit number in front of me. The first thought in my head was simple; I had a hard enough time getting through my own day how can I possibly stand out and make an impact. I became very discouraged but then two stories were told that changed my mindset.

The first was that of an un-respected woman with little rights. She worked long, hard days and had a hard time getting through her own day. She had a choice one-day, a choice to stay with the status quo, get pushed around and simply get through the situation or to stand up for herself and the others around her. She took the latter option. She got arrested and put in jail. But she sparked an entire movement, a movement that would change the entire world. You know her as Rosa Parks. Congress as identified her as “the mother of the freedom movement”. By choosing to violate laws and stay sitting that day on the bus, she stood out and made an impact by using her Power of One.

The second was that of a man named Schicklewuber. As a boy he never learned about character. His parents never taught him wrong from right. He was put down when he talked about becoming a priest and insulted when he spoke of becoming an artist. He was never valued or taught values. He put up an emotional wall and never let anyone inside. He grew up and became a leader and used his Power of One. You know him as Adolf Hilter and we also all know his terrible impact.

These two individuals both had something in common; they both used their Power of Ones. They both stood out of the crowd and made an impact but one for great things and one for terrible things. Currently there are 312,325,336 people in the United States and 6,965,275,004 in the world. Our population is ever changing and growing and great leaders are needed more and more each day.

I challenge you to go to the following link and find out how many people share your name:

Put this number on a note card and place it in somewhere where you will see it EVERYDAY. Mine is on my ceiling next to my goals, it’s the first thing I see in the morning and the last thing when I go to bed at night. It helps me to remember to make that impact and stand out from the multiple other “Kurt’s”. One more number to consider, 15. Every seven seconds someone is born, every 13 seconds someone dies. This amounts to a net gain of one person every 12 seconds. That means since the time you began reading this, 15 more people have entered the world population. How will you use your Power of One to impact the future?

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Charity = Chief ?!?!?

August 22, 2011. This is the day I officially became a college student. Now I was both excited and scared for this new chapter in my life to begin. On that same day I got my very first college homework assignment. It was in my third class of the day, History 252 (1877-Present), and we were assigned to read a chapter before we were to meet again. Now I have always loved history however I am not the fastest reader. So I decided just to dive right into my assignment and finish up the reading. As I was reading along I stumbled upon something that completely blew my mind:

”Respect among Native Americans was earned through acts of charity. Sitting Bull of the Lakota Sioux, for example, rose to prominence and eventually chief of his tribe both through his success as a warrior and due to his many exhibitions of generosity.

‘I was a famous hunter. . . I gave the buffalo calves that I killed to the poor that had no horses. I considered a good man.’ Sitting Bull”

(Exact text exert from page 444, Chapter 15: Conflict and Conquest, Visions of America)

Here I was simply trying to get done with this “assignment” when in reality there was valuable knowledge that could be obtained by uncovering the past! In my mind I always envisioned the selection of a Native American Chief to be simple. They simply selected the biggest, tallest, strongest, smartest and the best looking as the new leader. However what a closed minded opinion that was to have. It goes so much deeper than I ever imaged. Sure they looked at the person as an individual; however they also looked at how that person treated and served others. Looking at it in this light everything makes so much more sense. Cleary that’s what everyone wanted as leader back then and it still holds true today.

When comparing this to everyday life I often forget that the little things people do for others and the way they make them feel, will greatly impact their ability to be successful where ever they go. This quote by Maya Angelou sums it up:

“People will forget what you said, people forget what you did, but people will NEVER forget how you made them feel.”

For example since I was starting college for the first time this week, it was also my first time ever buying books. I headed to the bookstore and dove right in. The store was just crammed with people and everyone seemed to be moving at hyper speed. I managed to acquire all my books and head to the check-out line with little difficulty. The store was busy enough that it required three check-out lines operating at once to help alleviate the wait time. They called the next person in line and I walk up to the counter with my armful of books. As I set down my books I am greeted with a smile from the cashier. She began scanning my books, while doing so she asked if I had a customer’s rewards card, I responded with a “no”. Now she could have just continued on checking the books and I wouldn’t have even batted an eye; however she knew it would be beneficial and help me save money in the long run, so she took it a step further and asked if I wanted one. I responded with a shrug of the shoulders and an “I don't know, do I” she gave me a nod and handled me the form to fill out.

The next thing the cashier did to go above and beyond was inform me about the difference of buying a book or simply renting one. You can save a lot more money by renting verses buying. Once again she didn't have to do this, she could have just made me buy all of them and once again I wouldn’t have known the difference, but she took the time to do so. Finally all the books where scanned in and I handed her my credit card to pay. Of course something else would have to go wrong and my card didn’t want to seem to work at the register. The cashier very patiently, with a smile, helped me figure out a solution to the problem and insure I got my books, without making me feel any worse then I already did about this whole "book buying experience".

As I walked out to my vehicle, with my books in toe, I see the same lady that helped me getting in her car and pulling away. It hit's me all of a sudden that she was at the very end of her sift!! Here I was the student that has no clue which ways up, the type of customer everyone dreads, it's the end of a hard day of work, and all you want to do is get home, but did that change her desire to help me in any way she could? No!!! This amazes me! She simply did the little things and it made the biggest impact on my entire day and my entire week. She did everything she could to help me and made me feel great while doing it. Thanks to her I was actually able to read my history book in the first place!!

I am challenging everyone reading this to do what that cashier did. GIVE BACK. Those words can be scary, however giving back doesn’t have to be a large project. It’s important to remember giving back includes the little things, in the end you will be surprised on the impact they make. Holding the door open, helping someone carry an arm full of things, leaving an up lifting message on a friends Facebook wall, striking a conversation, smiling, simply saying hello, thanking your teacher at the end of class for a great lesson, thanking a friend for being themselves, calling an old friend or relative just to reconnect or being a patient driver. It doesn’t have to be big, try doing at least one act of kindness each day. Who knows those 365 acts of kindness could one day allow you to BECOME CHIEF!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Defining Kurt D Lockwood

On May 6th 1993 at 1:19 in the morning, weighing in at seven pounds four ounces, Kurt Dean Lockwood was born in McAlester Oklahoma. Over these last eighteen years many things have changed. It’s becomes difficult to try and explain what my life now consists of in word form. So I thought I would introduce myself using none other then KURT D LOCKWOOD to do so:

Keeping connected with family and friends. Throughout my life I have been blessed with amazing people that have supported and guided me along the way. Considered the baby of our family, with only one older brother. My family has taught me so much and I consider them all very important role models in my life. My brother Quint is two years older than me and I have always looked up to him for advice and wisdom. I would fit the definition of a mama’s boy; I rely on her for almost everything in my life. My dad has always pushed and supported me through it all and has truly opened my eyes to the world around me. I also have a large extend family and wouldn’t have it any other way. My friends are the exact same way. Family and friends are and always will be a big part of my life and it is important I stay connected with the wonderful people around me.

Unique. Dr. Seuss put it best when he stated, “Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind.” I try to keep this in the back of my mind at all times. On my Ipod you can find a variety of artists including Trace Adkins, Justin Bieber, Taylor Swift and Katy Perry, to name a few. If I like it, I hold nothing back. Pillow pets and crazy bands amaze me. Randomness is part of my everyday life. My friends describe me, as an energetic, enthusiastic, crazy and spontaneous person. I love singing and dancing even though I am not very good at it. I try and remain positive and have a great time no matter what situation I am placed in.

Relaxing. After a long stressful day I love just sitting back and relaxing. Even after eighteen years I find enjoyment in jumping on my old trampoline, listening to my Ipod. Hanging out with friends and having great conversations is one way I get away from it all. I love going out and having a great time.

Technology. I couldn’t image life without it! It scares me to even think about it. I use my cell phone, Ipod and computer every single day. It’s my way off staying up to date on everything occurring. I love watching T.V. and movies. I will watch just about anything. No matter how hard I try I can’t disconnect from social networking. Facebook is a great asset for me as well as texting. I simply love communicating and staying connected.

Dean. This is my middle name that I share with my grandfather. I was going to leave it out but included it for those who, like me, want to know the small, unusual details of someone that can’t be found on Facebook.

Livestock/Animals. I was considering being a veterinarian at one point in my life but realized I love animals so much that I didn’t ever want to see them in pain. Zoos are always one of my favorite destinations. Livestock is key to the agricultural industry and the same in my life. Show animals have always been considered my friends and therefore part of the family. Pigs are and always have been my favorite animal. I have enjoyed showing pigs and goats over the last six years. The show ring is where I first discovered my supervised agricultural experience. I now own half interest with my brother in thirty-five Boar goat does and one buck, striving to raise high quality show weathers and does.

On a mission. This phrase is the best I could come up with to describe my top strength, which is achiever. What ever I am doing I go all out. I am a very competitive person that doesn’t enjoy in the least bit the agony of defeat.

Collector. Postage stamps, coins, crazy bands, pillow pets, old newspapers, souvenirs from trips, photos, songs, quotes, old clothes, shoes, old money, pieces of history, broken crayons, dried out Mr. Sketch markers and the list goes on and on. In some ways I fit the definition of a hoarder but I prefer the term collector. I simply don’t like to get rid off things. Who knows I may need them some time in my life at one point.

Knowledge. I enjoy learning now things. History amazes me and can spend hours learning new random facts about what has occurred. Washington D.C. is by far my favorite city. How can one city be filled with so much history and symbolism? I couldn’t help but always being the student in the front of the history class with the right answer. Staying up on current events by watching the news, reading the newspaper or skimming articles online is a must.

Wow. The world and the country we live in simply amazes me. Throughout my life and thanks to the FFA I have had the great opportunity to be able to travel across the country and visit outstanding destinations. I hope to be able to continue to travel through out the rest of my life. I don’t have to travel far from my house however to be amazed. Caney is my hometown and always will be. I attended and graduated Caney Valley High School and a proud member of the Caney FFA Chapter.

Outgoing. Every single day I try my best to seize every opportunity I can. Though not very athletic I played sports in high school and enjoyed them. Trying new things and getting involved in everything I can is a must. I try never to meet a stranger and make lots of friends.

Obtaining sugar and caffeine. I can’t image life without pop. I drink it from the time I wake up to the time I go to bed. My favorite has to be Pepsi but I like any flavor that flows through my veins. Sugar is the same way. Candy and juke food make my life compete. I try my best to stop eating all these unhealthy things but I am a work in progress.

Definitely loves Agriculture, Agricultural Education and the FFA. My life would be so different without these three. They have always been a very important part to my family and an important part of me. They have opened up so many doors and opportunities that I can’t even put into words my love for everything they supply me.

The following are some things that help to define who Kurt D Lockwood is. What things in your life define you?

As I said above I am a collector of things including quotes, so here is some of my favorites:

“We must free ourselves from the hope the sea will ever rest, instead we must learn to sail in high winds.”

“A ship in the harbor is safe but that’s not what ships were made for.”

"No risks, no rings."

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be?"