Saturday, March 8, 2014


So those of you who listen to the radio, have seen Despicable Me 2 (highly recommended), or just know a song that will almost always put you in a good mood, you’ve probably heard “Happy” by Pharrell Williams. For those that haven’t, don’t despair, there’s a link at the bottom.

 With the title pretty much giving away the premise, Williams sings about that one emotion that the world doesn’t feel as often as it should. The upbeat tempo is enough to bring a smile to anyone’s face, not to mention getting the urge to dance.

My favorite part of the song has to be the hook, which goes a little something like this (sing along if you’d like):

Because I’m happy
Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof
Because I’m happy
Clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth
Because I’m happy
Clap along if you know what happiness is to you
Because I’m happy
Clap along if you feel like that’s what you wanna do

One thing I have noticed whenever this song comes on is that a lot of people know the lyrics, but few seem to know the meaning to them, so let’s break it down:

“If you feel like a room without a roof” – Williams says that this is a metaphor for one’s space without limits. Too often we can become unhappy because we are boxed in by limitations, whether that’s something like being told that we can’t do something, or other emotions. There are times where we can feel “roofed in” when our plans don’t go accordingly, or we fall a little short of our goals, but that shouldn’t keep us from feeling happy. Take it from the room – not having a roof and having access to the infinite possibilities that await is a great feeling. How can you stop feeling “roofed in”?

“If you feel like happiness is the truth” – Of course it is! There’s no need to argue with it, or try to contradict it. Being happy, and especially true to yourself, is the best feeling. Don’t settle for being someone else, because their happiness might not be yours. Branch out and try something new, because you might find something that you love, all while being true to yourself!

“If you know what happiness is to you” – What does happiness mean to you? Does it mean hanging out with friends, or curling up with a good book? Maybe it means getting to spend time with your livestock, or getting ready for that next public speaking event. Like I said before, don’t take someone's definition of happiness. Find what you like to do, and make it your own.

“If you feel like that’s what you wanna do” – By this point, you should be clapping. If you feel happy, and want to stay happy, surround yourself with individuals who also stay happy. Find things in common, and always make sure to show your happiness. A smile is contagious, you know.

At the end of the day, we all have an opportunity to be happy, and make sure those around us are happy as well. We each have our own passions, and by supporting the passions of others, and finding ways to ignite our own, we can all clap along, because we’ll feel happy.

Here’s a link to Pharrell Williams’ “Happy”:

Kansas FFA, we out!