Keeping connected with family and friends. Throughout my life I have been blessed with amazing people that have supported and guided me along the way. Considered the baby of our family, with only one older brother. My family has taught me so much and I consider them all very important role models in my life. My brother Quint is two years older than m

Unique. Dr. Seuss put it best when he stated, “Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind.” I try to keep this in the back of my mind at all times. On my Ipod you can find a variety of artists including Trace Adkins, Justin Bieber, Taylor Swift and Katy Perry, to name a few. If I like it, I hold nothing back. Pillow pets and crazy bands amaze me. Randomness is part of my everyday life. My friends describe me, as an energetic, enthusiastic, crazy and spontaneous person. I love singing and dancing even though I am not very good at it. I try and remain positive and have a great time no matter what situation I am placed in.
Relaxing. After a long stressful day I love just sitting back and relaxing. Even after eighteen years I find enjoyment in jumping on my old trampoline, listening to my Ipod. Hanging out with friends and having great conversations is one way I get away from it all. I love going out and having a great time.
Technology. I couldn’t image life without it! It scares me to even think about it. I use my cell phone, Ipod and computer every single day. It’s my way off staying up to date on everything occurring. I love watching T.V. and movies. I will watch just about anything. No matter how hard I try I can’t disconnect from social networking. Facebook is a great asset for me as well as texting. I simply love communicating and staying connected.
Dean. This is my middle name that I share with my grandfather. I was going to leave it out but included it for those who, like me, want to know the small, unusual details of someone that can’t be found on Facebook.
Livestock/Animals. I was considering being a veterinarian at one point in my life but realized I love animals so much that I didn’t ever want to see them in pain. Zoos are always one

On a mission. This phrase is the best I could come up with to describe my top strength, which is achiever. What ever I am doing I go all out. I am a very competitive person that doesn’t enjoy in the least bit the agony of defeat.
Collector. Postage stamps, coins, crazy bands, pillow pets, old newspapers, souvenirs from trips, photos, songs, quotes, old clothes, shoes, old money, pieces of history, broken crayons, dried out Mr. Sketch markers and the list goes on and on. In some ways I fit the definition of a hoarder but I prefer the term collector. I simply don’t like to get rid off things. Who knows I may need them some time in my life at one point.
Knowledge. I enjoy learning now things. History amazes me and can spend hours learning new random facts about what has occurred. Washington D.C. is by far my favorite city. How can one city be filled with so much history and symbolism? I couldn’t help but always being the student in the front of the history class with the right answer. Staying up on current events by watching the news, reading the newspaper or skimming articles online is a must.
Wow. The world and the country we live in simply amazes me. Throughout my life and thanks to the FFA I have had the great opportunity to be able to travel across the country and visit outstanding destinations. I hope to be able to continue to travel through out the rest of my life. I don’t have to travel far from my house however to be amazed. Caney is my hometown and always will be. I attended and graduated Caney Valley High School and a proud member of the Caney FFA Chapter.
Outgoing. Every single day I try my best to seize every opportunity I can. Though not very athletic I played sports in high school and enjoyed them. Trying new things and getting involved in everything I can is a must. I try never to meet a stranger and make lots of friends.
Obtaining sugar and caffeine. I can’t image life without pop. I drink it from the time I wake up to the time I go to bed. My favorite has to be Pepsi but I like any flavor that flows through my veins. Sugar is the same way. Candy and juke food make my life compete. I try my best to stop eating all these unhealthy things but I am a work in progress.
Definitely loves Agriculture, Agricultural Education and the FFA. My life would be so different without these three. They have always been a very important part to my fam

The following are some things that help to define who Kurt D Lockwood is. What things in your life define you?
As I said above I am a collector of things including quotes, so here is some of my favorites:
“We must free ourselves from the hope the sea will ever rest, instead we must learn to sail in high winds.”
“A ship in the harbor is safe but that’s not what ships were made for.”
"No risks, no rings."
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be?"