Exactly three months and ten days ago I was elected Kansas FFA State Secretary and man has time flown by. These three months have been filled with new opportunities, countless new friends, and the joining of six friends who have become more like family. In fact, let me describe to you what I have learned about these amazing individuals.

Working and spending time with these 5 individuals has made my life so much more interesting and enjoyable. I have to admit sometimes we are enjoying each others company so much that we don’t accomplish our work in the most efficient way. I can assure you though, that Kansas FFA is in good hands because the State Officer team has a passion for our members and we work together as a family to share that passion.
I first joined FFA because my older brother was in it, but the first part of FFA that got me hooked was the FFA Creed. Studying those five paragraphs is what ignited my passion for FFA and I still love discussing the Creed today. My proudest accomplishment in FFA would be being on the 2014 Champion Horse Judging Team at National Convention. My favorite SAE would be my small cow/calf operation. In this operation I run nine pairs and one bull on a rotational grazing system. My ultimate goal is to have a registered Angus and SimAngus herd.
My favorite sport in high school was football, but I had terrible hand-eye coordination so I never got to touch the ball. Instead, I was an offensive guard and easily the smallest lineman on the team. I was also actively involved in FCA, Student Council, the Jackson County Youth Coalition, Golf, and I enjoyed volunteering at the Heart of Jackson Humane Society. Other than FFA, my all time favorite organization has been 4-H. I love showing cattle and hogs at the county fair, and I was ecstatic to experience showing at Jackson County’s brand new fairgrounds.
As we wrap up, keep in mind that the relationships we build in FFA and other organizations can lead to friendships that last a life time, and some friends that become more like family.