There I was - lost, confused, and
unsure of what to do. I had many options in front of me, but I wasn't sure
which was best. I was sitting at my desk typing a paper for one of my classes
when I was faced with a difficult decision: what type of font should I use? I
couldn't decide if this phrase should be in italics or if a certain word would look better if it was in bold.
When I finally turned the paper in, I was happy with the decisions that I had
made. But while I was picking through every little option I could choose for
the words I had typed out, I had a thought. What if the font styles that I had
to choose between are like the qualities that we want to strive for as
Be Bold: In writing, words are put in bold so that they stand out from the
rest. Often times, words that are bold are of importance or have some
significance. We must be bold in our actions so that we stand out, show our
skills, and grow as individuals. How can you be bold in your words and actions?
Be Italic: Italics are saved for special circumstances, like when
writing out a title to a book or movie, or a phrase in a different language.
Italics catch the eye with slanted writing and can give a new meaning to a word
or phrase by changing how it is looked at. We should give purpose to what we
do, and provide that different perspective that might just give a new meaning
to a situation. How can we be italic in our everyday life?
Be Underlined: Whether it’s jotting
down a quick line under a key term or drawing seven marks underneath a time for
an appointment, we’ve all used underlining. Like putting words in bold and
italics, underlining words makes them stand out from the rest. But often times underlining
is used for emphasis. Those key phrases or words that need to be remembered, or
the time of the meeting so we won’t be late. By underlining, we make sure that
we don’t forget, and that these things are important. By “being underlined,” we
can remind ourselves to add emphasis to what we do, and that we can be
remembered in a positive way. How can you underline what you say and do?
Just like the choices that I had in
my paper, we all can choose how we act, and how we lead. Changing our attitudes
can be as easy as the click of a button. How can you be bold, be italic, and be underlined? More importantly, how can you?
Kansas FFA, we out!